Works cited for Italian drum manuals and resources.

Pistofilo, Bonaventura. Il torneo di Bonaventura Pistofilo Nobile Ferrarese dottor di legge e cavaliere. nel Teatro di Pallade dell fordine Militare, et Accademico . . . Bologna: Presso Clemente Ferrone, 1627.

To find an English translation of the portion dealing with drum cadences, see: Gauthreaux II, Guy Gregoire. “Orchestral Snare Drum Performance: An Historical Study.” PhD diss., Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1989.

Also see my interpretations of Pistofilo’s Italian and Spanish cadences.

Regolamento di Disciplina Militare e di Istruzione e Servizio Interno per la Fanteria. Torino: Edithrice G. Cassone E Comp, 1803.

I’m looking for more resources to develop my discussion of the History of Italian Drum Rudiments.

Check out those pages and contact me if you have any resources that might help.