Works cited for Spanish Military sources.

Andújar Catillo, Francisco. “El reformismo military de Carlos III: mito y realidad.” Cuad. hist. mod 41, no. 2 (2016), pp. 337-354.

Beltràn, Cristina B. “The Spanish Army in Italy, 1734.” War in History 5, no. 4 (Nov. 1998), pp. 401-426.

Carlo III. Royal Ordonnance on the reorganisation of the Spanish army. 1760

Details can be found here

Dandelet, Thomas and John Marino, eds. Spain in Italy: Politics, Society, and Religion 1500-1700. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2006.

Elliott, John. Imperial Spain, 1469-1716. New York: Meridian Printing, 1963.

Elliott, J.H. “Spain and Its Empire in the Sixteenth Centuries.” Spain and its world, 1500-1700: Selected Essays. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989.

Frías, Pedro Luis Pérez. “El Ejército de Carlos III.” Circa 2020.

Gallinari, Luciano. “The Catalans in Sardinia and the transformation of Sardinians into a political minority in the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries.” Journal of Medieval History 45, no. 3 (2019), pp. 347-359.

Glete, Jan. War and the State in Early Modern Europe: Spain, the Dutch Republic and Sweden as fiscal-military states, 1500-1660. London: Routledge, 2002.

López, Ignacio and Iván Notario López. The Spanish Tercios 1536-1704. Osprey Publishing, 2012.

Manconi, Francesco. “The Kingdom of Sardinia: A Province in Balance between Catalonia, Castile, and Italy.” Spain in Italy: Politics, Society, and Religion (1500-1700), ed. Thomas Dandelet and John Marino. Leiden, Netherland: Brill, 2007.

Ordenanzas de S. M. Para el Regimen, Disciplina, Subordinacion, y Servicio de Sus Exercitos. 3 vols. Madrid: Secretaría del Despacho Universal de la Guerra, 1768.

Vol 1

Vol 2

Vol 3

Ordenanzas de Su Magestad, para el régimen, disciplina, subordinación y servicio de la Infanteria, Cavalleria y Dragones de sus Exercitos en Guarnición y en Campaña. 2 vols. Madrid: 1728.

Vol 1

Vol 2

Paquette, G. “The Place of Naples in the 17th-Century Spanish Empire.” Antonio Serra and the Economics of Good Government. 2016.

Quatrefages, René. La Revolución Militar Moderna. Ministerio de Defensa, 1996.

Royal Warrant. Spain. 1503.

I’m currently interested in older drill manuals, 17th C. and prior, that show early organization of the Spanish army.

I’m also interested in sources that discuss the Spanish army in Italy in the 1500s & 1600s. Specifically, to what extend did the Italians have their own armies, considering Spanish control in the region.

Additionally, I’m looking for resources from the 1500s showing how fife and drum were first added to Spanish regiments.

Check out those pages and contact me if you have any resources that might help.